EM_Quickshop List Mode Fix [Easy]

NOTE:If you are looking for the configurable product’s fix please go to http://wp.me/p2EyZP-t 

On looking at my page referrals I found that many people came looking for the solution to list mode instead of configurable. So I decided to post the fix for that problem!

The problem: EM_Quickshop is disabled for list mode.
For this we need to edit the files:


You’ll notice that the function (long and complicated) _qsJnit() is called once :

		itemClass : '.products-grid li.item', //selector for each items in catalog product list,use to insert quickshop image
		aClass : 'a.product-image', //selector for each a tag in product items,give us href for one product
		imgClass: '.product-image img' //class for quickshop href

And there you go, you already know what to do.
So the problem seems to be that it is only called on the “product-grid” list, but we need to call it on the “product-list” as well so we just need to add another call to _qsJnit() just below the original call.

If this doesn’t work for you, most probably you didn’t give the right class to _qsJnit(), so comment with your store URL and I shall give you the answer for your particular page.

The final js looks something like :

		itemClass : '.products-grid li.item', //selector for each items in catalog product list,use to insert quickshop image
		aClass : 'a.product-image', //selector for each a tag in product items,give us href for one product
		imgClass: '.product-image img' //class for quickshop href
_qsJnit({ //fix for list mode
		itemClass : '.products-list li.item', //selector for each items in catalog product list,use to insert quickshop image
		aClass : 'a.product-image', //selector for each a tag in product items,give us href for one product
		imgClass: '.product-image img' //class for quickshop href

Thank you for reading my blog, have a nice day!!

One comment

  1. Great!
    Thank you.

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